The recipients were 70 disadvantaged households in the village.

Inquiring after local people
People in Hua Rom village receive rice.

Representatives from the command and donors inquired after the local people and hoped that they would promote solidarity, production, care for their children’s study and implement the Party’s guidelines, the State’s policies and laws, and the village’s regulations. They wished them a happy New Year.

* From December 16 to 31, 2023, 30 troops from Signal Brigade 601 of Military Region 1 carried out mass mobilization work in disadvantaged Lien Khuong village, Van Lang commune, Dong Hy district, Thai Nguyen province. The village is home to mainly H’mong ethnic minority people.

Expanding a road for local people

In Lien Khuong village, troops disseminated information to encourage local people to comply with the Party’s guidelines, the State’s policies and laws, and contribute to building the new cultural style.

Apart from cultural and sport exchanges with the locals, the troops contributed nearly 500 working days to expand an 800-meter road connecting two residential clusters of the village, facilitating villagers’ travelling. They also helped build a new entrance for a local primary school, painted classrooms, gave new hair-cuts to nearly 80 students, cleaned the gardens of compassion of two policy beneficiary families, presented three gifts to needy families, among others.

A signal soldier gives hair-cuts to local students.

On the occasion, the brigade’s Party committee and chain-of-command directed the unit’s Women’s Union to launch the program “Warm clothes for children.”

Translated by Song Anh