The model not only helps poor residents make ends meet, especially ethnic minority people, but also shows the care of the military company towards the local people.

Ro Mah Pie from Gia Rai ethnic group in Chan village, Ia Pnon commune held that her family intercropped rice on two hectares of the unit’s newly planted rubber garden, with productivity estimated at nearly three tons per hectare.

Troops helping local people harversting rice

Besides, many other needy households in the area could escape poverty thanks to the practical activity of Company 72. In 2023 alone, 754 households are expected to benefit from the practical model. Each hectare brings people VND 30-32 million in income, totally more than VND 11.5 billion, contributing to ensuring food security in ethnic minority groups and border areas.

According to Lieutenant Colonel Pham Van Hung, Head of the company’s Production Team 711, the entire garden has been fertilized by the company, so rice and crops could grow quickly and bring high productivity. The troops also instructed the local people on how to take care of the garden and helped them harvest crops. However, because the area is limited, the company gave priority to ethnic minorities and needy people to use the area for economic development and poverty reduction.

Colonel Ha Trong Bao, Director of Company 72 noted that in recent years, the unit’s chain-of-command has attached much importance to implementing many socio-economic development models in the areas. In addition to giving rubber gardens to the needy people, it also worked with local authorities to effectively carry out national target program on socio-economic development in ethnic minority and mountainous areas.

In 2022 and 2023, Company 72 offered 73 breeding cows to 73 needy households in Duc Co district, worth totally more than VND 1.4 billion. It also contributed to the building of new-style rural areas, enhancing defense and security posture in the locality.

Translated by Minh Anh