Earlier on December 6, 24-year-old fisherman Nguyen Van Phuc on trawler KH 96586 TS had a serious accident on his left hand while fishing tuna at sea. Given first aid by other crew-members, the patient was taken to Nam Yet Island for treatment.

Military doctors save injured fisherman.

However, because his injury was so serious, medical personnel of the infirmary on Nam Yet island decided to perform surgery on his hand.

The doctors cleaned the wound with antiseptics, stitched up the broken tendons and fixed the broken bones with metal splints. 

The operation ended successfully after two hours. At present, the patient is being treated at the infirmary.

Fisherman Nguyen Van Phuc, born in 1996 in Phuoc Dong commune of Nha Trang city, is working on trawler KH 96586 TS owned by Do Quang Tien from Nha Trang city.

Source: Baohaiquanvietnam

Translated by Tran Hoai