Lieutenant Colonel Le Van Thep, Deputy Political Commissar of Bach Long Vi Border Post, who has spent many years on the island held that he felt proud right after the moment he set foot on Bach Long Vi island. This is not only a remote island but also a sacred part of the Fatherland with important significance. It is his great honor to safeguard the national sovereignty over sea and islands.
Troops conduct patrol on Bach Long Vi island. |
Beside its strategic role in national defense and security, Bach Long Vi island is considered a key logistics center for fisheries and a traditional fishing ground rich in aquatic resources. The island attracts thousands of fishing vessels from Northern and North-Central provinces. However, the use of explosives, electric shocks, as well as illegal fishing in restricted areas, among others, have severely impacted aquatic resources.
To address the issue, Bach Long Vi Border Post has actively coordinated with relevant forces to conduct patrols to inspect and mobilize fishermen to strictly follow all regulations on combating illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing while raising public awareness of law observance.
Troops disseminate law to fishermen. |
In addition to raising awareness among fishermen, troops of Bach Long Vi Border Post also stand side by side with them during natural disasters and emergencies at sea.
Notably, on July 15, 2023, despite severe weather conditions, they swiftly rescued five fishermen from distressed vessel HD 91336 TS. More recently, on December 17, 2024, they successfully saved a crew member from QNg 92232 TS, who had suffered a serious accident while fishing at sea.
Troops successfully save a distressed fisherman at sea. |
Nguyen Dang Trung, a trawler owner on Bach Long Vi island shared that border troops have disseminated information about combating IUU fishing to fishermen and they all support and are well aware of the law. Many trawlers’ owners and fishermen operating in Bach Long Vi’s waters are now coordinating with border troops and functional authorities to conduct law dissemination to other vessels operating at sea, joining hands to help Vietnam remove the “yellow card of the European Commission.”
Translated by Minh Anh