During the program, Flotilla 102 disseminated the Party’s guidelines and State’s policies to more than 300 fishermen in Cua Phuong fishing port; updated them on the protection of national sovereignty over sea and islands in the new period, role and potential of the sea and islands in the nation's construction and defense. Fishermen also learned about regulations on illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing prevention and the basic provisions of the Vietnamese Law on Coast Guard in 2018.

The organizing panel conducts dissemination of law to fishermen.

The organizing panel offered incense and flowers at Cam Xuyen War Cemetery in commemoration of the fallen; visited and presented gifts to heroic Vietnamese mothers, policy families, fishermen in difficult circumstances, and needy students with good academic results; handed over souvenirs to Nguyen Huu Thai High School.

On this occasion, the organizing panel organized the “I love national sea and islands” contest which attracted the participation of around 500 teachers and students of Nguyen Huu Thai High School.

Talking about the flotilla’s activities, Secretary of Cam Xuyen district’s Party Committee Nguyen Van Thanh said that the “Coast guards stand by fishermen” and "I love national sea and islands” contest held practical significance. The events have contributed to fostering the solidarity and close-knit relations between troops and people.

Local policy families receive gifts.
Students actively join the “I love national sea and islands” contest.

Through practical activities, the program has contributed to raising legal awareness among fishermen engaged in fishing activities at sea and nurturing students’ love for the national sea and islands. The local leader added that the unit’s gifts for heroic Vietnamese mothers, policy beneficiaries, fishermen in difficult circumstances, and outstanding students demonstrate their responsibility and compassion for people in Cam Xuyen district and contribute to the locality’s efforts in implementing social policies.  

Translated by Tran Hoai