During the two-day event, orators from the command informed local officials, Party members, people, owners of ships and boats and fishermen about the position, role, potential, and strength of the national sea and islands in the Fatherland construction and defense cause.

They also updated them with the Party and State’s viewpoints, guidelines, and policies on settling sea-related issues; basic contents of the Law on Vietnam Sea, the Vietnam Coast Guard Law, regulations on preventing illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing, and especially what fishermen should do when going offshore for fishing and penalties for fishing vessels that commit serious violations in fishing.

Coast guard officers distributing leaflets to fishermen
An overview of the dissemination event

Also in the program, the Coast Guard Region 3 Command distributed 500 leaflets on national sea and islands-related laws to local fishermen.

According to Senior Colonel Le Van Tu, the command’s Political Commissar, the program was practically meaningful to further raise coastal people’s awareness of and responsibility for safeguarding national sovereignty over sea and islands. It also helped promote the military-civilian solidarity and close-knit ties as well as the synergy of the great national unity bloc towards the cause of defending national sovereignty, ensuring social order and safety, and sustainably developing sea economy of the nation.

Translated by Mai Huong