Earlier, trawler BTh 97497 TS with Nguyen Tri from Binh Thuan province at the helm experienced engine failure around 6 nautical miles from Sinh Ton Dong (Grierson Reef) Island.

The distressed trawler is towed to shore.

Having received a mayday signal from the trawler, Ship Truong Sa 20 of Brigade 955, Naval Region 4, which was carrying out missions in the waters near Sinh Ton Dong Island, immediately approached the distressed ship.

Ship Truong Sa 20’s crew-members promptly prepared ropes and towed the trawler to Sinh Ton Dong Island for repairing.

On March 3, Ship KN 417 undertook the mission of towing BTh 97497 TS ashore. After a 400-nautical mile voyage, Ship KN 417 reached Cam Ranh port, safely towing the trawler and taking fishermen ashore. 

Translated by Chung Anh