Trawler QNa 94898 TS at sea

Earlier, at 7:05 on October 6, trawler QNa 94898 TS with three fishermen on board had an accident when it was on the way to take refuge to avoid a tropical depression off Thua Thien Hue - Da Nang waters. Due to bad weather conditions, the trawler shook violently, causing captain Le Ngoc Phuc, born in 1984, a native of Tam Thanh commune, Nui Thanh district, Quang Nam province to be hit by a winch in the head. Phuc got a severe injury in his head, lost blood and his senses.

The trawler asked the center for medical assistance.

The distressed fisherman taken ashore

Notified of the case, the center instructed the trawler to take safety measures, and directed the ship to urgently bring the troubled fisherman to the mainland. At the same time, the center tasked ship SAR 274 with taking a rescue mission. On the ship were a medical crew from Da Nang’s Emergency Center 115.

Despite extreme weather conditions, ship SAR 274 approached the trawler which was about to sink at 10:10 the same day. The rescue team promptly transferred the injured fisherman and the other two members to ship SAR 274, gave them first aid and healthcare.

The trawler sank shortly after that.

Translated by Song Anh