Accordingly, An’s family is under extremely difficult conditions. Her husband’s income mainly depends on the garden contracted by the unit. Both parents are old and weak. Moreover, in recent years, due to meningioma, An has spent a lot of money for treatment.

At the handover ceremony

With the encouragement from the party committee, leaders of Regiment 720 and her comrades, An and her family has built a new house. The 70 square meter house comprises of a living room, two bed rooms, a kitchen and self-contained toilets. The total construction cost was VND 600 million, of which 400 million VND was from An’s family savings. The remaining money was borrowed from her relatives.

This year, considering the situation of An's family, Regiment 720 proposed to higher levels to approve financial support for the building of her house.  As a result, her family received VND 80 million from the Fund "For the Poor" of the Ministry of National Defense.

Translated by Quynh Oanh