Accordingly, the medical staff of the Department of Logistics and Brigade 293 under the corps provided clinical examination, combined with ultrasound, electrocardiography, X-ray, and laboratory techniques, free health check-ups and medicines to nearly 200 local policy beneficiaries.

Inquiring after a local

Addressing the event, Deputy Head of the corps’ Department of Logistics Senior Colonel Lai Ngoc Lanh affirmed that the program has been held for many years, adding that this is an occasion for the engineering and medical staff to take care of policy beneficiaries and national contributors in the locality, thereby deepening military-civilian ties, and fulfilling all assigned missions.

Taking care of the local people’s health

As scheduled, on December 14, the delegation continued the program in the commune of Cam Phuoc Tay, Cam Lam district, Khanh Hoa province.

Translated by Song Anh