Political Commissar of the Naval Region 5 Command Rear Admiral Nguyen Dang Tien, and Nguyen Thanh Phong, Head of the Kien Giang provincial Commission for Information and Education, co-chaired the event.

Rear Admiral Nguyen Dang Tien speaking at the event

In 2022, the Naval Region 5 Command, together with the Kien Giang provincial Commission for Information and Education, held 16 activities disseminating information about national sea and islands to more than 5,000 people in the province.

Delegates at the event

The program focused on disseminating the importance of national sea and islands towards the cause of national construction and defense; national sea and islands situation in recent years; the Party and State’s viewpoints and policies in protecting the national sovereignty over sea and islands; policies to attract high-quality human resources, to name but a few. It helped promote the combined strength, and ensure political security and social order, contributing to building all-people defense and people’s security at sea.

Presenting gifts to naval troops who are Khmer ethnic minority

On the occasion, leaders of the units also pointed out shortcomings and limitations so as to raise the quality of dissemination work on national sea and islands in the time to come.

Speaking at the meeting, Rear Admiral Nguyen Dang Tien expressed his delight at welcoming the delegation of the Kien Giang provincial Commission for Information and Education, while introducing the unit’s construction and development over the past time. They were also briefed on the political security and social order at sea and outstanding achievements of the unit in 2022.

On behalf of the delegation, Mr. Nguyen Thanh Phong affirmed that, in the coming time, the Kien Giang provincial Commission for Information and Education would continue to closely work with the local authorities so as to promote practical activities related to national sea and islands, contributing to encouraging the troops and local people to fulfill assigned tasks and firmly protect national sovereignty over sea and islands.

During the meeting, the Kien Giang provincial Commission for Information and Education also presented practical gifts to naval troops to help them overcome difficulties and accomplish all assigned missions.

Naval Captain Vu Anh Tuan providing delegates with information about national sea and islands

Earlier, on March 31, the Ho Chi Minh City’s Commission for Information and Education, in coordination with the Naval Region 2 Command, held a similar program to disseminate information about national sea and islands in 2023.

During the event, Political Commissar of the Naval Region 2 Command Naval Captain Vu Anh Tuan provided delegates with information about the importance of the national sea and islands as well as the Party and State’s viewpoints and policies in protecting national sea and islands. He also talked about victories and achievements of the Naval Service, and Naval Region 2 in the cause of protecting national sovereignty over sea and islands.

Source: Baohaiquan

Translated by Minh Anh