Drought and water shortage have seriously affected daily activities of people in Bu Gia Map district, Binh Phuoc province.

The unit’s troops provide free water to locals in Bu Gia Map commune.

According to Political Commissar of Defense-Economic Mission 778 Colonel Hoang Van Hung, over the past ten days, the unit has given more than 400cu.m of water to people, especially many ethnic minority households. The mission’s troops have transported water to hamlets using trucks and provided it to each household.

The deed demonstrated the sentiment and responsibility of the unit’s officers and soldiers towards the people. It aimed to help locals overcome difficulties, thus enriching the people’s love for Uncle Ho's soldiers.

Water is provided to each household.

Vice Chairman of the People’s Committee of Bu Gia Map commune Dieu Thuan said that the timely support of Defense-Economic Mission 778 has helped locals stabilize their life in difficult time. He added that local officials and people are thankful to officials and soldiers of Defense-Economic Mission 778 and other units.

Translate by Song Anh