This was a practical and timely activity of the Son Ca troops to help the trawler and their fishermen continue to go fishing in Truong Sa fishing ground.

Troops on Son Ca Island provide food to the fishermen.


Reportedly, fishing boat BD 97938 TS with Vo Ngoc Vu from Hoai Hai commune, Hoai Nhon town, Binh Dinh province at the helm and 16 fishermen on board ran out of food and fresh water while fishing in the waters of Son Ca Island. The trawler was operating from January 9.

At 10 a.m. on February 13, the troops on Son Ca Island were asked for support from the trawler. At 3:00 p.m. the same day, the trawler docked at the port of Son Ca Island.

Fresh water given to the trawler

Apart from giving the trawler 3,000 liters of fresh water, 50kg of rice, 20kg of vegetables and fruits, 20 national flags and a number of other essential items, the troops on the island also encouraged the fishermen to comply with fishing regulations.

The practical and meaningful deeds of the officers and soldiers on Son Ca Island demonstrated the solidarity between troops and people, the support of troops to fishermen in any difficulties, helping safeguard national maritime sovereignty.

Translated by Mai Huong