Previously, trawler QNg 96237 TS with nine crew-members on board, captained by Mai Van Ly, born in 1977 from An Hai commune, Ly Son district, Quang Ngai province, was sunk due to engine failure while fishing at sea about five nautical miles off Ly Son Island.

Crew-members adrift at sea

At 5:30 a.m. on the same day, while carrying out a duty, Ship CSB 4032 received the information from the Coast Guard Region 2 Command and immediately rushed to the scene for rescue missions.

Coast guards and local fisherman rescue troubled fishermen.

Despite the harsh weather conditions, Ship CSB 4032 approached the sinking boat at 7 a.m. and found nine fishermen go adrift at sea.

Troops providing distressed fishermen with first aid

With support from a fishing boat nearby, Ship CSB 4032 rescued nine crew members at 10:45 a.m. Then the ship provided the troubled fishermen with health care and took them to Ly Son Island.

Translated by Quynh Oanh