Delegates and ship owners at the information dissemination session

During the event, the coast guard force provided local fishermen with regulations on the prevention and combat of illegal, unreported and regulated (IUU) fishing.

Also, the organizing panel updated fishermen with information related to Vietnamese law and ASEAN countries’ regulations while conducting fishing activities at sea, punishment for violations in the sector and the Vietnam Coast Guard Law, regulations on the installation and operation of cruise monitoring equipment, and procedures for supporting subscription fees for fishing vessel monitor services in the province, among others.

After the dissemination event, 50 fishermen signed a commitment to comply with the regulations while fishing at sea.

The Coast Guard Region 4 Command presents national flags and gifts to the locals.

Meanwhile, the Coast Guard Region 4 Command and Ca Mau province’s Fisheries Association presented national flags and 20 gifts to needy fishermen.

It is the second time the Coast Guard Region 4 Command has carried out information dissemination activities. These activities aimed to raise local fishermen’s awareness of and responsibility in observing law and regulations while fishing at sea, contributing to stopping Vietnamese fishing vessels from violating foreign waters while fishing offshore.

Translated by Quynh Oanh