Ba Tang is an extremely-difficult commune in Huong Hoa district, Quang Tri province, and shares borderline with Laos. It is home to mostly Van Kieu and Pa Ko ethnic minority groups.

Ho Thi Boi in Mang Song hamlet, Ba Tang commune is an example. She was born in a large family. Their lives are difficult. Additionally, she got married at such an early age, so she was not allowed to go to school. Illiteracy has made her life more difficult.

Border guards of Quang Tri province visit each household to mobilize them to eradicate illiteracy.

Under the motto “No one is left behind” on education, Huong Hoa district’s Department of Education and Training has worked with local border guard posts to organize literacy classes.

In order to persuade residents to join these classes, border guards and local teachers went to their home or even talked to them on the way to fields or took their children to school.

Small rain lays great dust. Local people’s awareness of illiteracy eradication has been raised. They are eager to participate in literacy classes.

Thanks to the determination and enthusiasm of all parties, the percentage of illiterate people in Mang Song hamlet in particular and in Ba Tang commune in general has sharply declined. Local people now know how to read, write, and do simple mathematical sums to serve their daily activities and trading.

The meaningful work of border guards and local teachers in Quang Tri province is considered a starting point to contribute to improving local residents’ knowledge and lives in border areas.     

Translated by Chung Anh