At the launch of the Summer Youth Volunteer Campaign 2023

Under this campaign, which lasts until August 31, youngsters of Brigade 299 will conduct a number of activities, such as “Digital transformation day”; building new-style rural areas; building a cultural environment and bright, green, clean, beautiful and regular barracks; voluntary, social security, and gratitude activities; environmental protection and climate change response; disease and disaster prevention and control, among others.

Guiding local people to register e-ID accounts

In particular, the Youth Union organization will further apply information technology, take full advantage of modern tools, media, social networks in education and youth activities. Its members will disseminate information, instruct local people on how to register and activate e-ID accounts. They will coordinate in repairing rural roads; upgrading canals, village cultural houses, entertainment places for youth and children.

In addition, they will raise young people’s awareness of backward customs to eliminate them and encourage them to be examples in observing community conventions, practicing thrift and civilization in weddings, funerals, festivals. Moreover, the brigade’s Youth Union members will help ensure political security, social order and safety in the areas where the unit is stationed and they carry out their duties.

Brigade 299’s youngsters join hands in beautifying the village roads in the “Green Sunday” event.

Together with popularizing the importance of environmental protection and bad impacts of climate change on economy and society, the Youth Union members will encourage locals to reduce the use of plastic products and classify waste, as well as multiply good models in environmental protection, disaster and disease prevention and control.

Translated by Chung Anh