Over 300 cadres, Youth Union members, and youngsters from Border Flotilla 18, along with various local agencies, units, and residents of Chau Duc district, participated in the campaign to take care of the landscape and protect the environment.

Youth Union members from various units planting trees

Participants planted and tended to a flower road and donated a house made from recycled materials in Xa Bang commune. They also collected waste and cleaned the environment in Nghia Thanh commune.

Distributing leaflets to raise legal awareness and call for environmental protection

In addition, the units distributed thousands of leaflets on the harmful effects of plastic waste, environmental protection, the Law on Vietnam Border Guard, and the Vietnam Law of the Sea. They also repaired two houses for Youth Union members, youngsters, and workers in difficult circumstances in Nghia Thanh and Da Bac communes.

Troops of Border Flotilla 18 repairing a house for a needy Youth Union member

These meaningful activities aimed to promote the responsibility of Youth Union members through concrete actions, contributing to improving the quality of life for locals and protecting the environment. It also aimed to raise awareness among Youth Union members and residents of environmental protection and climate change adaptation.

Translated by Trung Thanh