Present at the conference were Major General Nguyen Minh Hoang, Deputy Political Commissar of Military Region 7, and representatives of the Army Youth Board under the General Department of Politics of the Vietnam People's Army.

Delegates at the event

Over the past five years, affiliated agencies and units under the Military region 7 Command have worked with local localities and functional forces to hold 155 editions of the military semester (each lasts from two to 10 days) for over 11,700 school students.

Thanks to the assistance and support from local leaderships and the host military units, these courses were successfully organized, helping school students understand more about the nation’s pride and heroic tradition of the Vietnam People’s Army.

Besides, the military semester program helps participants get acquainted with the life in the military, be more aware of disciplines, foster solidarity and teamwork skills, and raise their sense of responsibility towards the society.

Also at the conference, delegates pointed out several shortcomings that need fixing so as to better the program in the coming time.

Translated by Van Hieu