Senior Lieutenant General Nguyen Van Nghia delivers the opening speech.

Senior Lieutenant General Nguyen Van Nghia, Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the VPA, presided over the opening ceremony. Also attending the event were Lieutenant General Le Quang Minh, Deputy Chief of the General Department of Political Affairs of the VPA, among others.

This year's competition features 28 teams from various agencies, units, and military schools under the Ministry of National Defense. The event is a crucial activity to evaluate the weapon-handling proficiency of regular troops, local troops, and militia and self-defense forces across the entire military.

Leaders of the General Staff and the General Department of Political Affairs of the VPA present flags to representatives of the participating teams.

In his opening remarks, the deputy chief of the General Staff emphasized that the competition serves as an opportunity to strengthen the determination of officers and soldiers. It fosters endurance, agility, and skills in using and managing weapons under various conditions and circumstances. The competition contributes to effectively implementing the contents of Resolution No.1659 of the Central Military Commission on improving the quality of military training for the 2023-2030 period and beyond.

Gen. Nghia called on the organizing panel and supporting forces to maintain a high level of responsibility in carrying out their duties. He stressed the importance of ensuring adequate weapons, equipment, infrastructure, and living conditions for the participants.

AK-47 shooting practice, Exercise 1, for male participants
K54 pistol shooting practice, Exercise 1, for female participants

The competition should be conducted according to the pre-determined program. Results should be evaluated honestly, objectively, fairly, and accurately, he stressed.

After the competition, the organizing panel should review and summarize the outcomes for reporting to higher levels. They should also propose practical solutions to enhance the military's ability to utilize and manage weapons in the future.

Referees working impartially

The deputy chief of the General Staff of the VPA urged the participating agencies and units to prepare thoroughly and strive for the highest possible results in the competition. Participants must strictly follow the organizing panel's instructions, comply with regulations, and ensure absolute safety in all aspects.

Translated by Trung Thanh