Head of the institute Assoc. Prof., Dr., Sr. Col. Hoang Van Phai and Permanent Vice Secretary and Political Commissar of the Ha Giang provincial Military Command Sr. Col. Nguyen Hoai Nam co-chaired the talks.

Sr. Col. Nguyen Hoai Nam speaking at the event

Ha Giang is the Northernmost border province of the country holding important strategic position in terms of defense and security. It borders Yunnan and Guangxi provinces of China and has 442 markers. It is home to 19 ethnic minority groups.

Over the past time, though the province has changed positively, in some places, local people still live in hard conditions, maintain backward customs, and their political and legal awareness is limited, hindering the local socio-economic development and pose many potential complications in defense and security.

An overview of the talks

The provincial Military Command has held many meetings to provide troops with information about higher levels’ documents, including meetings to improve the quality of education and enforcement of the State’s law, military discipline, and boost the movement “Study and follow President Ho Chi Minh’s thought, morality, and style.”

To build a politically-elite military from the reality of the Ha Giang provincial Military Command, Col. Nam laid stress on a number of solutions such as strengthening the leadership and direction of party committees, party organizations, chains-of-command of agencies and units at all levels; promoting political and ideological education, building and strengthening trust, political stance, and determination for troops, meeting the requirements and tasks of building a politically-elite Vietnam People's Army; and bringing into play the roles of organizations and forces in this regard, among others.

The working delegation presents gifts to a disadvantaged family in Pa Vi Ha village, Pa Vi commune, Meo Vac district, Ha Giang.

During the talks, the delegates exchanged and shared experience in local military and defense activities; building a contingent of grassroots cadres; party membership development work in the militia and self-defense and reserve forces. They also talked about difficulties in implementing Party and political work and made recommendations on recruitment, organization, policies for cadres to make officers and troops in the province's armed forces feel secure at work to contribute more to their units and complete all assignments.

Earlier, a mission from the Institute of Military Social Sciences and Humanities visited, learned about the reality, and presented gifts to extremely disadvantaged families in Dong Van and Meo Vac districts.

Translated by Mai Huong