Before the exercise, commanding staffs of Regiment 290 and relevant agencies focused on checking preparations for the event and the capacity of participating forces. The exercise’s contents were divided into four stages, namely shifting combat readiness to a higher status, preparing for combat, conducting combat, and recovering combat power.

Radar Station 18 grasping missions before the exercise
Radar Station 18 revoking materiel before maneuvering

The two-day exercise showed that the units had made thorough preparations in personnel, vehicles, weapons, and technical equipment; completed the exercise’s contents as planned; and promoted the spirit of creativity during the exercise so that its content was close to the actual situation.

Radar Battalion 14 grasping the task of shifting combat readiness status
Radar Battalion 14 preparing for the task
Ready to undertake the mission

Through the exercise, the organizing panel evaluated the quality of training activities, commanding officer’s command capability and coordination, and troops’ competence. The exercise was successfully organized, ensuring absolute safety in all aspects.

Translated by Song Anh