Many troops have grasped basic training contents and embarked on skill training stage.  

Major Hoang Tien Dung, Second-in-Command in charge of military affairs of Battalion 4, Brigade 293, said that those results have come from the close leadership and direction and care of the brigade’s Party Committee and Chain-of-Command. During training, the unit regularly holds sports competitions among troops and conducts irregular inspection, and organizes daily and weekly sessions to draw lessons learned, thus addressing shortcomings in a timely manner and developing suitable measures to enhance training quality.  

A Thiep, a recruit of Squad 6, Platoon 8, Company 13, Battalion 4, said that at first he found training contents difficult since he had not got used to the military environment. Thanks to enthusiastic instruction from officers and comrades, he has well performed learnt contents. “I expect that my comrades and I would successfully complete training missions,” said Thiep. 

Below are photos of troops of Brigade 293 in a competition held on March 18 after two-week training.

Commanding Officer of Brigade 293 Nguyen The Luong (right) at the event
Recruits warming up before the event
Troops performing physical exercises
Troops practicing sitting moves
Recruit A Thiep (second from the left) performing standing in formation
Troops of Platoon 8 performing facing movements
Recruits marching in formation
Juries carefully observing troops’ performance
Senior Colonel Nguyen The Luong, Commanding Officer of Brigade 293, checking recruits’ movements

Translated by Chung Anh