PANO – The Central Military Commission and Defense Ministry, on July 9, opened the whole-army Politico-Military Conference in Hanoi to sum up military and defense mission in the first six months of 2012 and review three years of the implementation of the Government’s Decree 21/2009/NĐ-CP.

General Phung Quang Thanh, Politburo member, Defense Minister chaired the conference. Senior Lieutenant – General Ngo Xuan Lich, Director of General Department of Politics attended the conference.

Having been briefed of results in implementing defense and military missions in the first six months of 2012 by Senior Lieutenant – General Do Ba Ty, as well as results of the implementation of Decree 21/2009/NĐ-CP by Government by Lieutenant – General Dao Duy Minh, participants had thorough discussions to point out achievements and shortcomings and made recommendations.

General Phung Quang Thanh talks with the participants

In the first six months of 2012, Central Military Commission, Defense Ministry, executive committee and commands of units successfully gave consulting to the Party, the State, executive committee and authorities to help build and consolidate whole-people defense and the people’s armed forces and deal with border, sea and island problems.

Combat readiness in units in whole army has been improved. Especially, all army units have constantly updated, evaluated and forecasted the problems so that they could timely deal with them. The coordination between People’s Army and People’s Public Security to carry out Decree 77/2010/NĐ-CP by Government has been more effective. All forces promoted defending and managing border areas, preventing encroachments upon national sovereignty and effectively preventing criminal acts.

Besides, activities to ensure safety for army’s information have been promoted. Projects to ensure security and safety for defense network system and measures to cope and deal with information attacks have been increasingly improved. Forces in army basically carried out missions to plant landmarks on the border of Vietnam – Cambodia and repaired and consolidated border landmarks of Vietnam and Laos.  

The quality of troop recruitment in the first six months of 2012 is better than that of last year.

In addition, units in whole army have made effective recommendations to raise leadership quality and fighting capacity of party organization to build strong party organization and comprehensive strong unit.

Guidance and measurements to improve quality of staff at all levels have also been strictly implemented in all units in whole army. Units built additional 300 “comrade houses” for needy staff, troops and officers in whole army.

For their parts, engineering units ensured the quantity and quality of weapons and materials for missions of infantry divisions, combat readiness units, regiments and air-defense, tank and armored brigades. Units also promoted the movement, “Manage and exploit weapons and technical equipments durably, safely and economically” and brought about practical effects, making contributions to ensuring enough and quality weapons and technical materials for army’s missions.

Agencies and units propagandized and implemented contents of Decree 21/2009/NĐ-CP by Government. Relevant timely gave consulting to General Department of Politics and the General Staff to have timely suitable instructions to units. 

Apart from mentioned achievements, participants also pointed out shortcomings in implementing the missions of the first six months of 2012.

Translated by Tran Hoai