The same day, other PAN delegations also visited the Military Institute of Preventive Medicine, Military Hospital 354, the Department of Military Medicine under the General Department of Logistics, Central Military Hospital 108, the Military Institute of Traditional Medicine, and several other military medical facilities.

The PAN delegation presents flowers to the Le Huu Trac National Institute of Burns.

During the visits, on be half of the PAN’s staff and employees, Senior Colonel Do Phu Tho expressed gratitude for the contribution of military doctors and medical workers over the past time and congratulated them on the occasion of the Vietnamese Physicians’ Day.

The delegation congratulates Military Hospital 105.

He underlined that amid the difficulties of the working conditions, military doctors and medical workers have excellently fulfilled their assigned missions such as health examination and treatment, COVID-19 prevention and control, and scientific researches, contributing to improving healthcare service for troops and people.

The delegation congratulates Military Hospital 103.

In turn, leaders of the military hospitals and units thanked the PAN for its sentiment and hoped that the organ will continue enhancing collaboration in information dissemination, contributing to raising public awareness of healthcare and promoting the images of Uncle Ho’s soldiers among people.

Translated by Trung Thanh