State President Vo Van Thuong speaking at the event

State President Vo Van Thuong, who is Commander-in-Chief of the whole armed forces, and Chairman of the National Defense and Security Council, and Defense Minister General Phan Van Giang attended the event.

Speaking at the ceremony, State President Vo Van Thuong said that over the past years under the leadership and direction of the CMC and MND, Party committees, and chains-of-command at all levels, military youths have continuously strived, overcome difficulties, and been creative to successfully fulfill training, combat readiness, scientific research, logistical and technical work, production, mass mobilization, search and rescue, external defense relations, and peacekeeping missions, among others. Military youths’ achievements in different fields have continued to affirm their creativeness, vanguard spirit, as well as their determination to fulfill difficult missions and greatly contributed to the overall task accomplishment of the whole military.

Congratulating the honored military youths on their achievements in 2022, President Vo Van Thuong asked Party committees, chains-of-command, and military youth organizations to create favorable conditions for youths to study and have deep insight into Marxism-Leninism, President Ho Chi Minh's thought, and the glorious tradition of the Vietnamese Party, nation, military, and Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union. He urged young people in the military to constantly study to enrich their knowledge; promote self-studying, self-training; be absolutely loyal to the Party, nation, and people, firm in political stance, and capable of fulfilling any mission, overcoming any difficulty, defeating any enemy. 

The State leader said that the military youth should well carry out mass mobilization; closely coordinate with local youth organizations; actively participate in social welfare programs, new-style rural area building, hunger elimination and poverty reduction activities, and natural disaster and disease response; disseminate the Party’s guidelines and State’s policies and laws; actively fight against the "peaceful evolution” plot of hostile forces.  

To help youths well accomplish assigned missions, President Vo Van Thuong asked Party committees, political commissars, commanding officers, and political organizations of agencies and units to foster direction and leadership, and create favorable conditions for youths to study, train, grow, and devote themselves.

Defense Minister Phan Van Giang at the ceremony

On behalf of the CMC, MND’s leaders, and military youths, Defense Minister Phan Van Giang promised to continue to foster leadership and direction to ensure the stronger development of youth work and military youth movement, create favorable conditions for military youths to contribute and promote their vanguard and creative spirit to build a prosperous and happy nation and revolutionary, regular, elite, gradually-modernized People’s Army, capable of successfully fulfilling all assigned missions.

The Outstanding Military Young Faces Award is organized annually to honor officials, youth union members, and young people in the military with outstanding achievements in such fields as training, combat readiness, study, scientific research, production, sport, culture, and art.

The award aims to recognize, encourage, praise, and honor outstanding military young individuals; create motivation for officials, Youth Union members, and youths to constantly strive and grow; foster the movement of studying and following President Ho Chi Minh's thought, morality, and style; encourage youths to be vanguard and creative to complete all tasks, contributing to building pure, strong Party organizations, comprehensively strong and exemplary agencies and units, and excellent and strong Youth Union organizations.

Ten outstanding youngsters honored with Certificate of Merit of the Defense Minister
Forty-three promising individuals receiving Certificate of Merit of the Chief of the General Department of Political Affairs

This year, ten outstanding young individuals and 43 promising ones in the military in 2022 were honored. They were the most outstanding ones, representing hundreds of thousands of military youths working in such fields as training, combat readiness, education, studying, scientific research, production, sports, culture, and art. The ten outstanding youngsters received the Certificate of Merit of the Defense Minister, while 43 promising young individuals were presented with the Certificate of Merit of the Chief of the General Department of Political Affairs.

At the event, the defense minister handed over a decision on rank promotion ahead of time to an officer. Two others were admitted to the military as non-commissioned officers.  

Translated by Tran Hoai