In 2023, with the spirit of creativity, solidarity and high determination, Division 968 has directed its agencies and units to accomplish all assigned tasks.

Major General Pham Van Hoat speaking at the event

In particular, the division has strictly maintained its combat readiness posture, timely adjusted and supplemented documents related to combat readiness work, meeting the task requirements, thereby raising the quality of the work and enhancing troops’ combat readiness competence. Also, the unit has successfully organized the defensive area exercise in Quang Tri province.

Meanwhile, the division has mobilized nearly 500 officers and soldiers to help local people overcome the consequences of the natural disasters, and conducted search and rescue operations.

Gen. Hoat encouraging officers and soldiers of Battalion 5, Regiment 19, Division 968

Attentively, many policies and solutions have been carried out to improve the capability and combat power of the Party organizations, contributing to building a strong Party organization associated with a comprehensively-strong, “typical and exemplary” unit.

The agencies and units have ensured logistics and financial supplies and technical services for training and combat readiness work, and unscheduled missions, while paying more attention to raising the quality of their troops’ spiritual and material life.

During the inspection

After the inspection, Major General Pham Van Hoat required Division 968 to continue to promote the obtained achievements and address the limitations, thereby creating a greater momentum for the military-defense task performance in 2024 and the following years.

Especially, the division should strictly grasp and implement the resolutions of the Central Military Commission and MR4’s Party Committee to enhance training quality in the 2023-2030 period and the following years.

Finally, the division should boost regularity building and discipline management; effectively implement the movement on studying and following President Ho Chi Minh’s thought, morality, and style; as well as well conduct mass mobilization work, gratitude activities, and policies for troops’ relatives, to name but a few.

Translated by Quynh Oanh