These troops have been undertaking COVID-19 prevention and control missions at the province’s concentrated quarantine zones.

Nearly 300 troops get COVID-19 vaccine shots

In particular, 248 troops received the second vaccine shots and 46 troops got the first jabs.

Together with preparing adequate medical equipment, medical staff in charge of inoculation was provided with vaccine-related knowledge and skills to deal with any arising situation after injection.

In addition, before the COVID-19 inoculation, all troops had their health examined and made health declarations. After the vaccination, they stayed at the injection room for follow-up health monitoring and were equipped with knowledge of side effects after inoculation.

This activity aimed to minimize the COVID-19 cases of military troops working on the frontline, contributing to promoting the effectiveness of the pandemic prevention and control in the province.

Also, the command’s leader asked the vaccinated troops to continue strictly exercising the COVID-19 prevention and control regulations of the Health Ministry.

Translated by Quynh Oanh