In the first half of 2023, the GDP’s organs focused on leadership to raise the quality of political education while strictly directing the organization of the third writing contest on protecting the ideological foundation of the Communist Party of Vietnam and a contest among politics instructors in the military. They also made recommendations to the organization of activities in celebration of the 80th founding anniversary of the Vietnam People’s Army and the 35rd anniversary of the Whole-people Defense Festive Day, among others.

GDP’s Deputy Chief Lieutenant General Le Quang Minh speaks at the conference.

Additionally, the GDP’s organs actively made contribution to the implementation of newly-issued documents on personnel work while effectively directing mass mobilization work, and attaching importance to military and homefront policies as well as those for revolutionary contributors. Besides, gratitude activities were also ensured, together with searching and collecting remains of fallen soldiers, to name but a few.

Especially, the units also promptly ensured combat readiness and political education in line with emulation movements, while taking care of troops’ physical strength.

Concluding the conference, Gen. Minh hailed the organs’ achievements in the first six months of 2023.

Regarding task orientation in the last six months of the year, the GDP deputy chief requested the units to direct the implementation of Party and political work in the whole military in line with assigned tasks, renovate the implementation of political education work, effectively combat wrongful and hostile viewpoints, and protect the Party’s ideological foundation, and more.

An overview of the event.

Meanwhile, the GDP’s organs should promote the role of military press agencies’ representatives nationwide and the leadership of Party organizations at all level, thereby building a politically-, ideologically-, and organizationally-strong Military Party Committee.

He also asked them to strictly maintain combat readiness and observe military discipline and regulations, focus on fire prevention and control while managing weapons and equipment. At the same time, the Party and political work quality should be raised, among others.

Translated by Minh Anh