The first month in the military is often considered the most challenging for every new recruit. Coming from diverse regions throughout the country with various ethnic backgrounds, they have seamlessly assimilated into the military setting.

Despite initial unfamiliarity, new recruits have adapted to the military lifestyle and discipline. Studying, training, and daily activities have become routine, and recruits are performing well in adhering to the military schedule. After one month, everyone seems to have matured significantly.

After one month in the military, the new recruits have adhered well to the military training and regulations.
New recruits participating in training on the field
Enjoying break time together
Many new recruits mentioned that they did not know how to grow vegetables before, but after one month in the military, they have learned how.
After training hours, new recruits engage in sports competitions.
Cu Chua Co, a member of the H'mong ethnic group from Ma Le commune, Dong Van district, Ha Giang province visited his son. He was delighted to see his son look healthier than before joining the military.
New recruit Giang A Khu is happy to have his wife, Giang Thi Mang, and son visiting him during the day-off.
New recruits from Ha Giang in Regiment 877 are making efforts in studying and training in the military environment.

Translated by Trung Thanh