Colonel Doan Manh Ha, Political Commissar of Regiment 1, shared that every year, after receiving new recruits, the unit organizes visits to the Cu Chi Tunnels historical site to educate them about the revolutionary tradition of Cu Chi.

New recruits listening to the introduction and taking notes of information about the Cu Chi Tunnels historical site

New recruits watch the documentary "Cu Chi’s guerillas" and are introduced to the underground tunnel system, including hospitals, bed rooms, kitchens, storage rooms, workrooms, and so on. Afterwards, new recruits also pay respect to the heroic martyrs at the Ben Duoc Temple. Witnessing firsthand the artifacts and authentic scenery of life over 40 years ago, each new recruit have a chance to learn about the arduousness and hardship of the struggle of the Cu Chi armed forces and civilians, as well as the indomitable will, intelligence, and creativity in combat of the troops and people there.

New recruits learning about the activities of the Cu Chi military and civilians during the national resistance war
Recalling the historical moments of the heroic land

Visiting Cu Chi Tunnels is one of the practical extra-curricular activities that Regiment 1, Division 9 (Army Corps 4) has been implementing. This activity contributes to educating and raising new recruits' awareness and pride, thereby promoting their responsibility in performing their duties.

Translated by Song Anh