The exercise was overseen by Senior Colonel Pham Van Thiet, Second-in-Command of the division.

When receiving the order, the unit’s troops quickly captured positions according to their assigned tasks and then coordinated closely together. The exercise was carried out smoothly and quickly, and the scenarios were concluded within just a few minutes.

To ensure the exercise's success, agencies and units thoroughly carried out both the planning and operations phases. They developed plans, assigned tasks, and ensured thorough deployment of troops and resources. They also strengthened situational awareness, anticipated scenarios, and developed plans in line with reality. Additionally, they conducted dissemination and education work to raise the spirit of vigilance for each officer and soldier. As a result, all officers and soldiers are aware of their responsibilities and determined to succeed.

Through the exercise, the command and control capacity of commanding officers and the coordination and combat readiness among officers and soldiers in the division were enhanced, thus contributing to the successful completion of the combat readiness missions, ensuring absolute safety for the unit and locality where they are stationed.

A commanding officer brief the troops on the drill plan.
A scenario of the exercise
Troops in their assigned positions
Troops practice providing emergency assistance.

Translated by The Minh and Duong Tuoi