Defense Minister General Phan Van Giang speaking at the event

At the meeting, Deputy Chief of the General Staff Lieutenant General Huynh Chien Thang briefed participants on the regional and international situation which directly affects the implementation of military and defense tasks. He also updated N.A. deputies on the military’s achievements in carrying out missions, political and security situation, and agencies and units’ observance of discipline and law.

At the event, representatives of the Search and Rescue Department under the General Staff and the Department of Economic Affairs under the Ministry of National Defense reported on the draft Law on Civil Defense to be discussed at the 4th session of the 15th N.A., and on the draft Law on Land (amended), respectively.

Delegates at the meeting

On behalf of the Central Committee of Central Military Commission and the Ministry of National Defense, General Phan Van Giang asked deputies to attend the 4th session of the 15th N.A. to raise their responsibility and actively contribute opinions to contents discussed at the meeting.

In addition, General Giang asked delegates to thoroughly study and actively contribute quality ideas to contents directly related to military and defense tasks. He said that opinions must clearly show the views of the Central Military Commission and the Ministry of National Defense on those contents, contributing to the success of the working session.

At the meeting

The defense chief also asked delegates to strictly observe the session’s regulations.

Translated by Tran Hoai