Applauding the troops for their achievements in the past, he emphasized that 2024 is an important year for the fulfillment of all goals and tasks set out in resolutions of Party congresses at all levels in the 2020-2025 period and preparation for all-level Party congresses towards the 14th National Party Congress.

Comrade Nguyen Trong Nghia presents a gift to Division 5.

Thus, he asked the division to continue to embrace and victoriously realize the Party’s resolutions, bring into play the traditions, improve training quality, capability and combat readiness ability. In addition, the unit must strictly maintain regularity, combat readiness duties and implement policies for troops’ families and other gratitude activities.

The head of the Party Central Committee’s Commission for Information and Education also urged Division 5 to pro-actively grasp situations, closely team up with local party committee and authorities and other relevant forces to uphold political security, social order and safety in the stationed area, and organize a cozy, healthy, safe, and economical Tet for troops while maintaining combat readiness posture.

Comrade Nguyen Trong Nghia, his entourage, and other delegates pay tribute to fallen troops.

Also on February 2, Comrade Nguyen Trong Nghia attended a memorial and burial service for 125 fallen volunteer troops and advisors who laid down their lives in the war in Cambodia and their remains have been repatriated from Cambodia in the first phase of the 2023-2024 dry season. The event was held at Hill 82 War Cemetery in Tan Bien district, Tay Ninh province.

Translated by Song Anh