The two sides sign the cooperation MoU.

Senior Colonel Dinh Hong Tieng, Chief of the Dak Nong provincial Military Command and Lt. Gen. San Kim Oeun, Chief of the Mondulkiri provincial Military Sub-region, co-chaired the event.

During the talks, the two sides highly valued cooperation results over the past time, especially in supporting each other to cope with the complicated developments of the COVID-19 pandemic. Particularly, the Dak Nong provincial Military Command gave office equipment, food, and other necessities, worth over VND 500 million, to the Mondulkiri provincial Military Sub-region.

Representative of the Dak Nong provincial Military Command presents gifts to the Mondulkiri Provincial Military Sub-region.

Both sides signed the memorandum of understanding (MoU) for cooperation in 2022. Accordingly, the two units will focus on exchanging information related to socio-economic and defense-security situations of each side and counter-attack acts of hostile forces, while enhancing education for youths on traditional friendship and good relationship between the two countries in general and the two provinces in particular. 

On the occasion, the Dak Nong provincial Military Command presented office equipment and necessities and gifts on the occasion of the Chol Thnam Thmay festival, worth VND 400 million in total, to the Mondulkiri provincial Military Sub-region.

Translated by Trung Thanh