The Red Cross Societies of the Central Highlands province of Dak Nong and the bordering Cambodian province of Mondulkiri shared their professional experience in the Vietnamese locality on January 19.

They exchanged effective ways of doing humanitarian activities and providing health care for ethnic groups living in border areas.

At the exchange. Photo:

Over the past time, the Dak Nong Red Cross Society together with medical staff and humanitarian organisations have provided free medicines and health check-ups for thousands of poor locals living in the shared border.

They also presented gifts worth more than 850 million VND to more than 2,100 people in Mondulkiri.

In the foreseeable future, both sides will pool all possible resources to assist poor households in Mondulkiri as well as devise external relation activities and share experience in humanitarian activities.

On the occasion, Dak Nong authorities granted more than 200 million VND (9,000 USD) to Mondulkiri’s Red Cross Society to build two clean water facilities in Caoh Nheaek and Oureing districts.

Source: VNA