Promoting mutual understanding and close attachment after each joint patrol

At 7:00 on November 29, the coast guard forces of the two countries attended the joint patrol at the first point in the waters adjacent to the demarcation line of the Gulf of Tonkin. The Vietnamese side consisted of Ships 8004 and 8002, while the Chinese Coast Guard Ships 4301 and 4203 participated in the event. Then, the Vietnamese working delegation on Ship 8004 visited Chinese Ship 4301 and held talks to discuss plans for the on-going patrol.

Sharing maritime experience

After the courtesy call at sea, the two fleets of ships lined up in two parallel lines and began a joint patrol at a speed of 14 nautical miles per hour.

The two forces have promoted coordination during the joint patrol along 13 points in the Gulf of Tonkin, covering a distance of 255.5 nautical miles. Accordingly, they carefully inspected fishing boats and trawlers of fishermen of the two countries exploiting seafood in the waters adjacent to the demarcation line, disseminated information, and educated fishermen of the two countries to comply with laws when operating at sea.

Meanwhile, the Vietnam Coast Guard also established a working team to directly inspect and grasp the situation of Vietnamese trawlers operating near the demarcation line of the Gulf of Tonkin, among others.

The two forces conduct communication methods using hand flags and lights.

Concluding the joint patrol, Ship 8002 continued its journey to Guangzhou, China. On the occasion, both sides joined exchange to promote mutual understanding via many meaningful activities, such as a training course on the maritime sector, the International Code of Signals, and search and rescue, to name but a few.

Expanding cooperation space

The joint patrol and exchange marked a year of successful cooperation with deep impressions of the Vietnam and China Coast Guards via a series of activities.

Addressing the welcome ceremony for Vietnamese Ship 8002 in Changzhou Port on December 4, Commander of the Vietnam Coast Guard Major General Le Quang Dao noted that in 2023, the two forces successfully organized two joint patrols in the waters adjacent to the demarcation line in the Gulf of Tonkin. Also this year, they conducted the third Vietnam - China Young Coast Guard Officers Exchange with contents and forms renovated. Both sides have maintained contact to share information about issues arising at sea. Accordingly, in August 2023, the Vietnam Coast Guard force received a Vietnamese distressed fisherman rescued by the Chinese force. In addition to the aforementioned cooperation activities, the two sides regularly send letters of congratulation and encouragement, share information about issues concerning law enforcement at sea, and more.

Search and rescue teams from both ships work together to rescue the distressed trawler.

Major General Yu Zhong, Head of the China Coast Guard, underscored that these activities have proved the mutual support and trust between the two coast guard forces.

Knowing that there remains ample room and potential for bilateral cooperation, the two sides actively expand cooperation contents, contributing to maintaining the environment of security, safety, and social order at sea. These targets were also agreed upon at the Seventh Vietnam - China Coast Guard Working Conference held on December 4 in Guangzhou, China.

Major General Le Quang Dao and delegates in a joint photo

The close solidarity between the two forces was more clearly demonstrated on the return trip from the beautiful, dynamic, and developed city of Guangzhou, as Vietnamese Ship 8002 was joined by a Chinese Coast Guard ship for more than 200 nautical miles.

After Ship 8002 safely docked at Ky Ha Port in Quang Nam province, all Vietnamese members on board realized that along with the friendship between the two parties, states, and people, the cooperation between the Vietnam and China Coast Guards has become increasingly effective and substantive, contributing to maintaining the waters of peace, stability, safety, and development of the two countries.

Translated by Minh Anh