Major General Le Minh Quang, Head of the Political Affairs of the military region, speaks at the event.
Cutting the ribbon to inaugurate the exhibition
Delegates tour the exhibition.

With nearly 300 photos and display items, the exhibition helps troops and visitors understand more about the war as well as the long-standing traditional solidarity and friendship between the two parties, states, and peoples, while enhancing trust in the Party’s foreign policy, as well as the cause of national protection.

Addressing the event, Major General Le Minh Quang, Head of the Political Affairs of the military region, affirmed that Vietnamese volunteer troops and military advisors have left deep impression on the Cambodian leaders, authorities, people and Party. The victory on January 7, 1979 was the victory of both countries, affirming the Vietnam - Cambodia traditional solidarity and friendship.

The exhibition is scheduled to last until February 2.

Translated by Song Anh