On the morning of May 23rd, Rear Admiral Pham Nhu Xuan, Deputy Commander of the Vietnam People's Navy, participated in the Naval Commanders' Roundtable, held bilateral meetings with partners, and visited several booths at the exhibition. Delegations from the Ministry of Public Security, the Air Defense - Air Force Service, and the Vietnam Coast Guard Command also attended the event.

In addition, Ship 20 of Flotilla 172, Naval Region 3, along with a delegation from the Vietnam People's Navy led by Senior Captain Nguyen Quoc Quang, Deputy Commander of Naval Region 3, arrived in Langkawi on May 21st to participate in LIMA 2023 and related activities.

During the opening ceremony of LIMA 2023, Malaysian Defense Minister Mohamad Hasan stated that the event is expected to generate contracts worth around USD 4 billion. Five countries, namely Russia, Thailand, Indonesia, the Republic of Korea, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), sent aerobatic display teams to the event. A total of 119 aircraft are showcased in the exhibition area.

On the afternoon of May 23rd, Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim presided over the naval parade. Ship 20 of the Vietnam People's Navy participated in this event.

Here are some images of the activities at LIMA 2023 on May 23rd:

The delegation of the Vietnam People's Navy attends the Naval Commanders' Roundtable on the morning of May 23rd.
Rear Admiral Pham Nhu Xuan, Deputy Commander of the Vietnam People's Navy, visiting several booths at the exhibition on the morning of May 23rd
There will be four hours of aircraft performances every day. (In the photo: A Russian aircraft performing a solo flight)
Formation flying of aircraft
The Black Eagles aerobatic team from the Republic of Korea performing impressive maneuvers at the exhibition
The Black Eagles aerobatic team performing at the exhibition.
Aerobatic teams from different countries showcasing spectacular aerial displays
Some indoor weapon exhibition booths at LIMA 2023
A model of the FA-50 aircraft from South Korea, which is also used by their Black Eagles aerobatic team for demonstration flights
Ship 20 of Flotilla 172, Naval Region 3, moors in Langkawi Bay.
On the afternoon of May 23rd, a naval parade takes place. The photo shows the position of Ship 20 of the Vietnam People's Navy in the parade formation.
Ship 174 of the Royal Malaysian Navy carries Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim during the parade. (In the photo: Ship 174 passing by Ship 20 during the final rehearsal on the afternoon of May 22nd)

Translated by Trung Thanh