On June 2, Sr. Lt. Gen. Hoang Xuan Chien had meetings with leaders of defense ministries and head delegates participating in the dialogue.

At the meeting with Australian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Defense Richard Donald Marles, the two sides reviewed the two countries’ achievements in such fields as delegation exchange, training, maritime security, especially U.N. peacekeeping operations. It is worth mentioning the visit of Australian Governor-General David Hurley to the Vietnam Department of Peacekeeping Operations in early April.

Sr. Lt. Gen. Hoang Xuan Chien meets with leaders of defense ministries and head delegates participating in the 20th Shangri-La Dialogue.

On this occasion, the Australian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Defense shared good memories of his official visit to Vietnam in November, 2022.

At the meeting, defense leaders of the two countries agreed to continue to effectively implement inked cooperation contents. In the short term, the two sides should accelerate the signing of an agreement on peacekeeping partnership and updated the joint-vision statement on promoting defense cooperation. 

Sr. Lt. Gen. Hoang Xuan Chien thanked Australia for helping Vietnam transport members of Vietnamese level-2 field hospitals to U.N. missions. For his part, Mr. Richard Donald Marles pledged that the Australian Defense Ministry will assist Vietnam in transporting members of the Vietnamese Level-2 Field Hospital Rotation 5 to South Sudan in late June.  

During the conversation with Singaporean defense leaders, Gen. Chien expressed the wish to substantially and effectively foster defense cooperation with the country. In particular, they would maintain consultation – dialogue mechanisms, promote experience sharing, enhance cooperation in search and rescue operations, accelerate the signing of cooperation agreements, and support each other at regional and international security mechanism and forums. 

Translated by Tran Hoai