The visit is made at the invitation of Russian Defense Minister General Sergei Shoigu. Senior Lieutenant General Nguyen Van Nghia, Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Vietnam People’s Army, also joins the mission.

General Phan Van Giang attending the Army 2023

On August 14, General Phan Van Giang participated in the plenary session and opening ceremony and toured booths at the Army 2023, including one from Vietnam. This year, the Vietnamese booth showcases 240 products by the General Department of Defense Industry and the Military Industry-Telecoms Group (Viettel).

The Army is an exhibition and forum program held annually by the Russian Defense Ministry since 2015 at the Patriot Congress-Exhibition Center (Moscow), which draws a large number of countries, defense businesses and organizations to display their products. It is one of the biggest international weapon and technical equipment exhibitions worldwide.

The Army includes an exhibition of modern products of defense industry sector of the host Russia and its partners, a demonstration for weapons and equipment of Russian armed forces and its partners, and scientific workshops on military technologies and defense industry, to name but a few.

General Phan Van Giang visiting the Vietnamese booth at the Army 2023
Gen. Giang visiting the Chinese booth at the Army 2023

The Army 2023 attracts the participations of delegations from nearly 60 countries, including many led by defense ministers and military chiefs, around 1,500 defense contractors of Russia and 85 foreign companies. For years, Vietnam has sent high-ranking military missions to the Army annually, and started to display products since 2018.

Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Denis Manturov touring the Vietnamese booth at the Army 2023

* On the same day, General Phan Van Giang met with the Head of the Lao delegation at the Army 2023 to exchange the bilateral cooperation relations.

* On the sidelines of the Army 2023, Senior Lieutenant General Nguyen Van Nghia had talks with leaders of Rosoboronexport, the Chairman of the Belarusian State Authority for Military Industry and the General Director of Beltechexport to exchange potential cooperation in defense industry.

Translated by Minh Anh