At the dialogue

Addressing the opening ceremony, Gen. Chien underscored that 2023 is a special landmark as the two countries celebrate the tenth anniversary of the bilateral strategic partnership. Over the past time, the Vietnam - Thailand strategic partnership has been increasingly and comprehensively developed. He noted that the Vietnamese Defense Ministry always hopes to intensify the comprehensive cooperation with Thailand’s Ministry of Defense and Royal Thai Armed Forces to further promote the bilateral defense relations.

For his part, General Sangkachantra thanked the Vietnamese side for the warm reception, adding that over the past years, both sides have seen the comprehensive development of bilateral cooperation in all fields.

The Vietnamese delegation at the event

During the event, both sides shared viewpoints on the world and regional situations of mutual concern while speaking highly of the role of the region and mechanisms led by ASEAN. They also affirmed to jointly do their utmost to make positive contribution to strengthening and consolidating the solidarity and ASEAN’s centrality in the regional security architecture, and stressing the importance of settling disputes by peaceful measures on the basis of international law.

They said the defense cooperation over the past time has gained remarkable outcomes in various fields such as delegation exchange at all levels, maintaining cooperation mechanism, supporting each other at multilateral events hosted by each side, to name but a few.

The Thai delegation at the event

Regarding cooperation orientation for the time ahead, both sides agreed to continue to boost the bilateral defense cooperation in line with the enhanced strategic partnership between the two countries, focusing on consolidating the relations between the two countries’ defense ministries and militaries, strengthening the all-level delegation exchange, and sharing viewpoints on issues of mutual interest.

In addition to accelerating the cooperation among their forces, especially law enforcement units at sea, the two sides will continue to promote their cooperation in human resource training and in potential fields suitable to their needs and strengths. They will also provide each other with active consultation and support in the ASEAN military - defense framework and maintain the joint ASEAN stance on regional and international security issues.

Delegates in a group photo

On the occasion, Gen. Chien invited the Thai defense leaders and enterprises to attend the Vietnam International Defense Expo 2024.

Translated by Minh Anh