The phone talks took place at the Embassy of Vietnam in Washington D.C. as part of the ongoing official visit to the U.S. of the Vietnamese defense chief and a high-ranking military delegation at the invitation of U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin. Joining the Vietnamese delegation was Lt. Gen. Nguyen Trong Binh, Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Vietnam People’s Army.

General Phan Van Giang at the online talks with former U.S. Senator Patrick Leahy

Gen. Giang expressed his delight at having the phone talks with Mr. Patrick Leahy. He said that his official visit to the U.S. is taking place in the context that the two countries are celebrating one year of their comprehensive strategic partnership for peace, cooperation and sustainable development. The visit aims to implement the defense cooperation contents agreed by the two nations’ senior leaders in the joint statement on upgrading the bilateral relations and to promote the bilateral defense ties in such fields as delegation exchange, dialogue-consultation, settlement of war legacy, U.N. peacekeeping operations, training, humanitarian assistance and disaster relief, cyber security and military medicine, among others.

According to the Vietnamese defense chief, last year, the Vietnamese MND made a documentary film highlighting Mr. Patrick Leahy’s contribution to the two countries’ relationship, including the settlement of war legacy in Vietnam. In 1989, the War Victims Fund named after the former Senator conducted the first U.S.’s humanitarian assistance program in Vietnam, opening a new door for overcoming war consequences in the country.

A view of the talks

Confirming that the government, MND, and people of Vietnam always bear in mind the contribution of generations of U.S. senators to developing the two countries’ relations on the basis of the cooperation in settling war legacy, Gen. Giang said that the collaboration in this regard is an important part and holds a significant meaning in the process of reconciliation, healing and building trust between the two peoples and in the history of Vietnam - U.S. relations over the past 35 years.

Gen. Giang emphasized that Vietnam and the U.S. have made great strides in the cooperation in this field. For Vietnam, settlement of war legacy is a field of humanitarian cooperation that the State, Government, military and people of Vietnam pay great attention to. The success of each project related to this field has helped heal the wounds of the past, boost trust and open the door for future cooperation, contributing to further cooperation between the two countries, in accordance with the wishes and legitimate interests of each side, making positive contribution to peace, stability, cooperation and development in the region and the world.

He expressed his belief that the results of such a cooperation would bring the two countries closer, inspire and create momentum for the two peoples, particularly younger generations of U.S. congressmen, making this symbolic cooperation with humanistic significance a common legacy in the bilateral relations, a lesson and a model in international cooperation.

The talks are held in a virtual form.

Highly appreciating the strong commitment of the U.S. Government, Congress and people in cooperating with Vietnam to overcome the war aftermath, Gen. Giang hoped to continue receiving support from the U.S. For its part, Vietnam pledges to continue to closely coordinate with the U.S. in the search for U.S. servicemen missing in action in the war in Vietnam.

Noting that 2025 marks the 30th anniversary of the Vietnam - U.S. diplomatic ties, the Vietnamese minister expressed his hope that the two countries will continue to closely coordinate to organize meaningful activities on the settlement of war legacy on this occasion. He believed that Mr. Patrick Leahy will make further important contribution to promoting Vietnam - U.S. relations in general, and cooperation in war legacy settlement between the two countries in particular.

For his part, Mr. Patrick Leahy highly valued and expressed his delight at the development of the Vietnam - U.S. relations in recent years, especially the fact that the two countries have overcome differences and the pain of war to cooperate for a better future and have recently upgraded their relationship to a comprehensive strategic partnership.

Gen. Giang presents a souvenir to Mr. Patrick Leahy through Mr. Tim Rieser (right).

Mr. Patrick Leahy said that he and many U.S. congressmen have a special affection for Vietnam, always do their best to contribute to the bilateral relationship, especially maintaining and promoting activities related to overcoming the consequences of war such as mine clearance, dioxin contamination treatment, and support to people with disabilities in Vietnam.

He hoped that in the coming time, cooperation in settling war legacy would continue to be a foundation for stronger development of Vietnam - U.S. relations, thereby helping the two countries achieve common goals of peace and prosperity.

Through Mr. Tim Rieser, former assistant to Mr. Patrick Leahy, Gen. Giang sent gifts to Mr. Patrick Leahy, his spouse, his grandchildren on the occasion of the traditional Mid-Autumn Festival of Vietnam.

Gen. Giang speaks at the meeting with the Vietnamese Embassy in the U.S.'s staff. 

In a meeting with Vietnamese Ambassador to the U.S. Nguyen Quoc Dung and other embassy staff, Gen. Giang said that the goal of his visit is to exchange views on regional and global issues of common concern, thus enhancing strategic trust and defense cooperation between the two countries in line with the Vietnam - U.S. comprehensive strategic partnership, contributing to upholding peace, stability and development in the region and the world at large.

Gen. Giang underlined that the two countries’ relations are developing positively with achievements gained in all fields. He attributed such results to important contributions of the embassy staff in the U.S.

Gen. Giang, his entourage, and the embassy staff in a group photo

The defense minister asked the embassy staff to be a bridge of friendship and cooperation between the two countries, bring into play their obtained working results, actively research and make timely proposals to the Party, State, and military to further strengthen the comprehensive strategic partnership between Vietnam and the U.S., for the benefits of both peoples and the whole region and the world.

Reported by Thu Trang from Washington D.C., the U.S.

Translated by Mai Huong