At the meeting with the Cuban young officers, the Commando Corps’ Commander Major General Hoang Minh Son said that since the two countries established their bilateral defense ties, under the direction of the Central Military Commission and the Defense Ministry, the Commando Corps has actively carried out various exchange activities with the Cuban side.

On special occasions, the commando forces of the two countries organize exchanges between the Cuban Military Attaché Office in Vietnam and the Commando Corps. Such activities have contributed to strengthening the traditional friendship and special solidarity between the Vietnamese and Cuban people and militaries. 

Major General Hoang Minh Son hoped that in the coming time the Commando Corps in particular and the Vietnam People’s Army in general and the Cuban armed forces would further strengthen cooperation, delegation exchanges, and experience sharing.

During the visit, the Cuban delegation watched Vietnamese commando troops performing camouflage techniques, shooting skills, and martial arts.

Below are photos of the visit:

An overview of the meeting
Major General Hoang Minh Son hands over a souvenir to Major General Marcelo Perez.
At the welcome for the delegation of Cuban young officers
Major General Marcelo Perez talking with Vietnamese commando troops

Translated by Tran Hoai