At the reception, General Giang thanked the forces for attending the exchange, affirming that their participation not only demonstrates a spirit of solidarity but also reflects the desire to enhance cooperation among maritime law enforcement forces, contributing to the success of the program.
According to General Giang, maintaining peace, stability, safety, and freedom of navigation and aviation at sea is a shared interest of all nations. Vietnam reaffirms its consistent stance on resolving disputes peacefully, in accordance with international law, particularly United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) 1982. Besides, Vietnam hopes that maritime law enforcement forces will cooperate together to assist fishermen in distress and address any cases of violation at sea, in the spirit of friendship and solidarity.
General Giang highly appreciated the positive and effective cooperation between the Vietnam Coast Guard and international maritime law enforcement forces over the past time. He emphasized that their cooperation’s outcomes have significantly contributed to building a peaceful, prosperous, cooperative, and developing maritime region.
Delegates in a joint photo |
General Giang emphasized that the “Vietnam Coast Guard and Friends” exchange program has made contribution to realizing the Party, State, Central Military Commission, and Defense Ministry’s foreign policy directives and guidelines on international integration and defense diplomacy.
Moreover, the success of the first program in 2022 has strengthened mutual understanding and trust for effective cooperation between the Vietnam Coast Guard and maritime law enforcement forces of regional countries for a peaceful, friendly, cooperative, and prosperous maritime region.
In the coming time, General Giang expressed his hope that maritime law enforcement forces in the region, especially those from countries sharing maritime boundaries with Vietnam, will continue to closely cooperate with the Vietnam Coast Guard in many fields, such as sharing experience and information, conducting joint patrols, and coordinating in maritime law enforcement activities, particularly in the field of search and rescue missions.
Translated by Minh Anh