However, what the Vietnamese chemical troops have to do at the contest for the best nuclear, biological, chemical (NBC) reconnaissance crew named “Safe Environment” in the upcoming Army Games 2020, hosted by Russia, will be more difficult due to time limits and tougher requirements. Therefore, they have to practice hard to achieve the best results in the games
Initiatives come up at in difficult times
The chemical contingent is one of the 11 contingents of Vietnam to compete in the Army Games 2020. Members of the contingent were carefully selected from the Chemical Corps. They have speed, good health, shooting skills, and the ability to of master weapons and fire at targets from different distances.
Chemical troops in training |
Learning lessons drawn from the previous games and based on this year’s games’ regulations, the chemical troops have upgraded their equipment to be similar to the Russian equipment which will be used in the Army Games 2020, said Colonel Le Tuan Minh, Head of the Department of Military Training under the Staff of the Chemical Corps.
During training, Minh added, the chemical troops and their trainers always draw lessons, fix shortcomings and hone skills in the shortest time possible. In addition, the contingent’s coach often organized competitions for the crew members to help them gain more competitive experience.
Challenging themselves with tougher events
In the contest “Safe environment”, reconnaissance crews have to compete in three stages, including “Individual race”, “Range practice”, and “Relay race”.
According to Lieutenant Colonel Dang Minh Loi, the contingent’s coach, this year’s competition events are tougher than last year’s. In the previous games, the contest took place in Xinjiang, China.
Loi went on to say, competitors will have to conduct four missions this year, including searching for radioactive sources, identifying chemical agents, taking samples from earth and water, and carrying out decontamination. To get the best results, each competitor is required to have fast and accurate moves and good performance skills while strictly complying with the contest’s rules to limit minus points.
Members of the chemical contingent to the Army Games 2020 pose for a joint photo. |
To do that, Colonel Le Tuan Minh said that the chemical troops have practiced intensively to improve their physical fitness, professional expertise, and competitive skills. The competitors have tried their best at each competition event. For example, the maneuvering distance at this year’s games will increase from 550m to 900m, the height of the barrier will be lowered from 60cm to 40cm, and the surface of the tree trunk spanning a trench will be narrowed from 30cm to 20cm.
First Lieutenant Cao Van Dien, from Brigade 87 of the Chemical Corps said, as they will compete in difficult terrains and barriers, all members have to increase their coordination while each member is assigned specific tasks to complete in the shortest time and to avoid overlapping activities. They have also tried to avoid injuries during training.
With solidarity and close coordination, the chemical contingent is determined to succeed, contributing to beautifying the image of Vietnam and Vietnam People’s Army among participating militaries and local people.
Translated by Mai Huong