Maj. Gen. Pham Quoc Tuan speaks at the event.

At the event, Vice President of the Army Officer Candidate School No.1 Major General Pham Quoc Tuan extended best wishes to the Lao trainees, presented gifts, and celebrated the traditional festival with them.

Speaking at the event, the vice president of the Army Officer Candidate School No.1 commended military Lao trainees for their efforts, high sense of responsibility, and activeness to achieve high results in studying. He wished that they would have a cozy, happy, and safe New Year celebration in Vietnam, while strictly observing Vietnam’s law and military discipline.

Gen. Tuan affirmed that the school will create favorable conditions for officers and cadets of the Lao People’s Army to have a joyful New Year celebration. The unit’s officers, employees, and troops were encouraged to share happiness with their Lao peers and join the celebration, contributing to strengthening the comradeship, brotherhood, and close relationship between the two parties, states, militaries, and peoples.

The school’s leaders and delegates celebrate the special event with Lao trainees.
Gifts given to Lao military students

The meeting, taking place in a joyful atmosphere, aimed to encourage the Lao trainees to continue to study and contribute to the school’s efforts in building comprehensive strong, exemplary, and outstanding units.

Translated by Tran Hoai