Vietnamese Deputy Minister of National Defense Senior Lieutenant General Hoang Xuan Chien and Indian Defense Secretary Shri Giridhar Aramane co-chaired the event.

An overview of the event

At the dialogue, Giridhar Aramane affirmed that the event offered an opportunity for the two sides to discuss cooperation contents in the time to come, contributing to further fostering the bilateral defense cooperation - an important and strategic pillar of the Vietnam-India comprehensive strategic partnership, for the sake of the two countries’ peoples, and the peace and stability in the region and the world.

For his part, Sr. Lt. Gen, Hoang Xuan Chien emphasized that Vietnam and India shared a long-standing traditional friendship. Since the establishment of the comprehensive strategic partnership in 2016, the bilateral relations have been developing in all fields in a more practical and effective manner, including defense and security.

Sr. Lt. Gen. Hoang Xuan Chien

The Vietnamese deputy minister highly applauded the support and coordination of the Indian side in training and raising personnel quality for the Vietnam People’s Army (VPA); appreciated preferential credit and non-refundable aid packages from the Indian Government and Defense Ministry to VPA units.

Both sides highly valued defense cooperation outcomes since the 13th dialogue, and shared the view that the Vietnam-India defense cooperation has been constantly consolidated and strengthened with high mutual trust and tangible results, especially in all-level delegation exchanges and meetings; the signing of cooperation documents; the maintenance of consultation and dialogue mechanisms, and exchange between young officers; personnel training; defense industry; and U.N. peacekeeping operations, to name but a few.

They agreed to continue their close coordination and mutual support at multilateral forums and mechanisms, especially those led by the ASEAN, and events hosted by each country. The Vietnamese side affirmed its support for India in enhancing defense cooperation with ASEAN member countries, including the organization of the informal meeting of defense ministers of ASEAN countries and India, as well as its support for India as a co-chair of the ADMM-Plus Experts' Working Group on Counter Terrorism in the 2024- 2027 period.

In addition, the two sides exchanged views on the regional and international situation, and issues of shared concern. Regarding issues at sea, Sr. Lt. Gen. Hoang Xuan Chien stressed Vietnam’s consistent stance on resolutely and persistently protecting its national sovereignty, sovereign right, and legitimate interests at sea in line with international law, including the UNCLOS 1982.

The two sides signing a letter of intent on training cooperation

In the coming time, Vietnam and India agreed to continue to enhance delegation exchange at all levels, especially the high one; promote the implementation of reached cooperation mechanisms and credit and non-refundable aid packages and coordination at multilateral forums, especially ASEAN-led frameworks; and accelerate cooperation in training, defense industry, cyber security, military medicine, and search and rescue operations, to name but a few.

Gen. Chien invited leaders of the Indian defense ministry and prestigious businesses to attend the second Vietnam International Defense Expo in December. Giridhar Aramane confirmed India’s participation in the event.

Concluding the dialogue, Gen. Chien and his Indian counterpart signed a letter of intent on training cooperation.

Reported by Kieu Trinh from New Delhi, India

Translated by Quynh Oanh