In his remarks, Ambassador Yaron Mayer noted that the Vietnam-Israel relations are developing strongly in economy and technology, saying high-level visits and cultural exchanges have consolidated the two countries' friendship and enhanced their mutual understanding, as well as people-to-people dialogue.

Vietnam and Israel on April 2 announce the conclusion of negotiations for their free trade agreement (FTA).

He added that the bilateral trade has exceeded 2 billion USD, and the recent conclusion of negotiations on the Vietnam-Israel Free Trade Agreement (VIFTA) is expected to facilitate their trade and investment collaboration.

On behalf of the Vietnamese government and people, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Ha Kim Ngoc extended congratulations to the Israeli government and people on the occasion of Independence Day.

He praised the solidarity and efforts of Israeli people in national construction and development, turning the country into a center of economy, science-technology, and innovation of the region and the world at large.

Since Vietnam and Israel established their diplomatic ties on July 12, 1993, their multifaceted cooperation has been developing constantly, and the two countries have become leading important partners in Southeast Asia and the Middle East, the official continued.

Cooperation achievements in such spheres as economy, science-technology, high-tech agriculture, and people-to-people exchange have contributed to consolidating and promoting the friendship between the two countries.

The VIFTA, the first between Vietnam and a Middle Eastern country, is expected to be signed on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the bilateral diplomatic ties, he said, stressing that the deal will contribute to perfecting the legal framework and creating breakthroughs for economic, trade and investment cooperation between the two countries in the time ahead.

The Deputy Minister also spoke highly of Israel’s admission of Vietnamese agricultural trainees, who have successfully applied cutting-edge technologies in agricultural projects after returning home, contributing to the development of the Vietnamese farming sector as well as the bilateral friendship.

Ngoc noted his belief that with the wish and determination of the two governments and peoples, the multifaceted cooperation will grow further in all areas in the coming time.

Source: VNA