Hoan said that on the foundation of the sound partnership between Vietnam and the RoK in all fields, especially the economy, the relations between the city and RoK localities have also been fruitful.
Vice Chairman of the Ho Chi Minh City People’s Committee Vo Van Hoan (right) and Vice Governor of the Republic of Korea (RoK)’s Gyeongsangbuk province Lee Dal-hee. |
In order to implement cooperation between Ho Chi Minh City and Gyeongsangbuk, he asked specialized agencies of the two localities to work together to design an action plan focusing on cultural exchange, tourism promotion, investment cooperation and experience sharing in local administration.
The municipal leader suggested that the localities organize a Ho Chi Minh City cultural, trade and tourism day in Gyeongsangbuk in 2024, while establishing twinning relations among universities in the two localities, holding exchanges for students of the two sides, and coordinating in human resources training and training skilled workers for the RoK.
For her part, Lee hailed the positive results in the twinning relations between Gyeongsangbuk and Ho Chi Minh City, affirming that the province hopes to continue promoting the close and effective partnership with Ho Chi Minh City, especially in promising areas of mutual interest, thus bringing practical benefits to both sides.
She spoke highly of the economic potential of Ho Chi Minh City, and proposed leaders of the city create favorable conditions for RoK enterprises, including those from Gyeongsangbuk, to invest and run long-term business in the city.
Her province is in need of high-quality human resources for local industrial parks, especially in the fields of electronic components and steel manufacturing, she said, underlining that the locality hopes to strengthen labour collaboration with Ho Chi Minh City.
Gyeongsangbuk is willing to work with Ho Chi Minh City in organizing exchange programs for young intellectuals of the two sides, and bringing second-generation Vietnamese children born in the RoK to Ho Chi Minh City for study, she said.
Source: VNA